Wing Chun Immersion Training Camp - 2012
im·mer·sion [ih-mur-zhuhn, -shuhn]. Adjective- concentrating
on one course of instruction, subject, or project
to the exclusion
of all others for several days or weeks; intensive.
In this case, the project was
an intense, and in-depth investigation into a special project - the art and
fighting system of Wing Chun Kung Fu. In years past, the students of Atlantic
Warriors, along with their sifu, Jonathan Petree, have sequestered themselves
far away from the distractions of everyday life at a special, remote location
for the Immersion Training Camp. Everyone would eat, sleep, and train Wing Chun
together for days, and then the students would emerge at the end of training
camp with ability, understanding, and new perspectives that were previously
unknown to them. This unique experience even produced student leaders and
mentors in the school.

Each year’s Atlantic Warriors
Immersion Training Camp covers different topics, and has its own unique focus. In
that regard, this year’s camp was the same. However, in addition to its unique
curricula, this year’s camp was held at a new location. In fact, this new venue
was the recently completed headquarters of Atlantic Warriors in Jacksonville
Beach, Florida. This expanded Wing Chun kwoon is the premier place to train in Ip
Man lineage Wing Chun in Northeast Florida. It even comes complete with an
ocean view! And, instead of only being able to house 10 camp participants, as
was the case in the previous training camp site, Atlantic Warriors new school
easily accommodated the hard-core group of 28 participants at the 2012
Immersion Training Camp. Completion of the new school could not have occurred
at a more perfect time. For example, due to previous training camp’s results,
this much anticipated training opportunity quickly sold out the originally
available 25 spots before it could even be offered to the public.

The following is a small
snapshot of some of the areas explored during the workshops of Atlantic
Warriors 2012 Wing Chun Immersion Training Camp.
Your Own Core- Why this is SO important. How to utilize this skill to delete an
opponent’s force.
Chi Sao- What is it? What it is NOT. Entries into seong chi sao. Gow Sao- What
is it? Recognition and Response to violations.
1” Punch- All of the details. Individual practice and refinement with another
camp participant during the workshop.
workshop- Recognition and Response to Energy at Initial Engagement.
Kicks of Wing Chun.
Protection- Primary targets, and Secondary Targets.
Elbows of Wing Chun- Personal Protection Applications.
Destructions, and Finishing Moves.
Mook Yan Jong form- Subset #10 movements and combat applications.
This year’s training camp left
everyone fired-up, and mentally blown away after being immersed in the art and
fighting system of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Now begins the practice, practice,
For information on learning Wing Chun Kung Fu contact Atlantic Warriors at (904) 270-2237.
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